Terms & Conditions

The price for each job is negotiable. I normally give one year's exclusive licence to reproduce the illustration in a specific form for a specific purpose.
Longer periods can be negotiated.
Copyright is not assigned, if you would like to own the copyright then the price for the job will be multiplied by a minimum factor of seven.
Reasonable expenses for photocopying, printing and postage will be included in the final invoice.
A written, faxed or emailed purchase order is required before work can start. You will receive an acknowledgement in the same format, detailing the job details, licence information, copyright status and the agreed price.
The artist retains full copyright unless otherwise agreed and is free to sell further rights for its use unless otherwise agreed. If the client takes up additional rights and/or an extended licence, permission must have been agreed with the artist and a fee approved. If the client wishes to buy the original artwork the sale of rights by the artist is not affected.
Full payment of the bill will be made within 30 days of the date of the invoice. Rights are not active until full payment has been received by the artist.
The artist can only keep to agreed deadline if any necessary reference is supplied and the rough is passed without delay. The client is responsible for the copyright clearance of any reference material supplied to the artist.
If the work is cancelled as unsatisfactory a proportion of the fee will be payable according to the degree of completion. If rejected at the rough stage, that will be one third of the fee plus expenses. If the finished image is rejected, the fee is negotiable but will not be less than one half of the agreed fee. If a rough rejection fee is paid the client has no right to use any part of the work and the rough and/or original art remains the property and copyright of the artist.
The artist asserts his moral right of paternity and integrity, therefore the client does not have the right to make any alteration to the work unless agreed with the artist.
The artist has the right to use the work for self-promotion.
At completion the client will supply at least 2 colour proofs or printed copies of the work where possible.
All future dealings between the client and the artist will be on these standard terms and conditions unless there are written agreements stating otherwise. These terms and conditions are governed by the law of England and Wales and may not be varied except by agreement in writing. The parties hereto submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.
All images copyright of Matthew Buck. May 2000.